A young man was killed and his father injured during a clash between Santal tribes people and Bengalis over a land dispute in Parbatipur in Dinajpur district on Saturday morning. The deceased was identified as Sohag, 27, son of Jahurul Haque in Habibpur Upazila. Mahmudul Hasan, Officer-in-Charge of Parbatipur Police Station said the clash erupted around 10:00am when the Bengalis were working at a disputed crop field, leaving Sohag dead on the spot and his father injured. He said the Bengalis and the Santals have a long-standing dispute over the land. Following the death, Bengalis attacked the houses of Santal tribe people and set afire 15 houses. Later, the local firefighting units doused the blaze. Additional law enforcers were deployed in the area to avert further untoward situation, said the OC, according to a news agency.
Source: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2015/01/24/77509
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