June 4, 2010, we the Santals of Bangladesh arrange a meeting for view exchange for 6th International Santal Conference in Bangladesh. The meeting was called at Human Resource Development Foundation Bel Danga, Birmpur ,Dinajpur for the Northern Santals of Bangladesh. 25 high professional (Regional Director of Caritas, Teachers, Students, Santal Heademen Govt. employees, Non Govt. employees, Businessmen and others) Santals represent the meeting from different areas.
“View Exchange for Sixth International Santal Conference in Bangladesh” meeting preside over by Mr.Santus Soren ((Regional Director of Caritas, Dinajpur, Bangladesh).
Prof. SC Albert Soren was chief speaker in the meeting.
Prof. SC Albert Soren discuss about – International Santal Council, previous International Santal Conference held in different region in Indian Sub Continents and its importance for Bangladeshi Santals. All participants are agree to arrange 6th International Santal Conferece in Bangladesh and take proper initiatives form now. Participants realized that all The Santal of the world should come together in a platform for their language, Scripts, Culture and Developments although we have contradiction for religion and Culture.
The participants feel to establish “International Santal Council “Bangladesh Chapter immediately to organize 6th International Santal Conference in Bangladesh.
Next meeting for “View Exchange for Sixth International Santal Conference in Bangladesh” for Greater Rajshahi region in July, 2010 and finally a meeting will be call for to form a committee to implements Sixth International Santal Conference in Bangladesh
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