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Text books will be written following the indigenous peoples own culture: Nahid

Ragini Mali,February 26, 2013, 8:44 pm


Education minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Tuesday said at the directives of the National Curriculum and Text Book Board (NCTB), the text books will be written following the indigenous peoples own culture and customs.
He said during the session  2014, books for the  pre-primary level students   will be published in Chakma, Sadri, Marma, Kakborak and Mandi, allowing the ethnic children  study in their own language.
He  was addressing a two- day long exchange meeting on "Analysis about the situation of the primary education based on mother language in the government and non government institutions and fixing up what to do," jointly organised by NCIP, MLE Forum, Campaign for Popular Education, Caritas and Research and Development Centre (RDC) at the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific (CIRDAP) auditorium.  
About the delay on using the Santal language, he said, it was due to   controversy on  the letters of the Santal language, the publication of books in Santal language was put on hold.
There is a controversy whether the books in Santal language should use the Roman or Bangla scripts.
Nurul Islam Nahid further said, "if children are not given their medium of study in mother tongue, we would not be able to reduce the number of school  drop outs." 
Emphasising on the importance of global education, the minister also said,  to face the challenges of twenty first century, the children be must prepared right now to compete themselves globally.

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