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How to write Santali by ‘MS word’ 2007

Roman haro̠p te̠ Santali olok̓ reak̓ dhara

Pạhil te ‘MS word’ 2007 oṭagme, ‘Word’ 2010 do arhõ jạsti jut hoe kok̓a. ( MS office 2003 re̠ aema ‘symbol’ do̠ bạnuk̓a)

‘Insert’ khon ‘symbol‘oḍok katet̕ amak̓ subita leka ‘Combining Diacritical Marks’ reak̓ symbol ‘short cut assign’ kak̓ me. ‘

‘Vowels’- ‘Open vowels’- a, i, u, e, e, o ‘Underdotted Vowels’- ạ ‘Nasalized vowels’- ã, ĩ, ũ, ẽ, õ ‘Underdotted nasalized vowels’- ạ̃ ‘Underscored open vowels’- e̠, o̠ ‘Super scored open vowels’- ē, ō ‘ Underscored nasalised vowels’- ẽ̠, õ̠

‘Consonants’- ‘Glottal’- h ‘Velar (Guttural)’ - k, kh, g, gh, ṅ, k̓ ‘Palatal’- c, ch, j, jh, n̕, y, c̓ ‘Cerebral’- ṭ, ṭh, ḍ, ḍh, n, n, ṛ ‘Dental’- t, th, d, dh, r, lo, t̕ ‘Labial’- p, ph, b, bh, m, p̓, w ‘Sibilant’- s

In̕ don̕ noṅkawakada

Ạ- (A+alt +.)- Combining dot below,
õ- (o+ctrl+ shift+~) combining tilde,
ṅ- (n+ctrl+.)- combining dot above,
n̒- (n+alt+’)- combining comma above right,
k̓- (k+alt+,)- combining comma above,
o̠- (o+Ctrl+-)- combining minus sign below,

How to write Santali with Roman Script

First open MS word 2007, 2010 would be better. MS office 2003 also will do but you may not find all symbols. If you do not have Office 2007, download Office 2010 for free (trial for 3 months).
Open Insert and find ‘Combining Diacritical Marks’, not the space modifying symbols. Assign shortcuts as you like.

Open vowels- a, i, u, e, e, o
Underdotted Vowel- ạ
Nasalized vowels- ã, ĩ, ũ, ẽ, õ Underdotted nasalized vowel- ạ̃
Underscored open vowels- e̠, o̠
Super scored open vowels- ē, ō
Underscored nasalised vowels- ẽ̠, õ̠

Glottal- h
Velar (Guttural) - k, kh, g, gh, ṅ, k̓
Palatal- c, ch, j, jh, n̕, y, c̓
Cerebral- ṭ, ṭh, ḍ, ḍh, n, n, ṛ
Dental- t, th, d, dh, r, lo, t̕
Labial- p, ph, b, bh, m, p̓, w
Sibilant- s
Checked consonants-c̓, p̓ k̓ t̓

I did like this
Ạ- (A+alt +.)- Combining dot below,
õ- (o+ctrl+ shift+~) combining tilde,
ṅ- (n+ctrl+.)- combining dot above,
n̒- (n+alt+’)- combining comma above right,
k̓- (k+alt+,)- combining comma above,
o̠- (o+Ctrl+-)- combining minus sign below
You can make other letter by doing same

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